Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Most Annoying Things About Pregnancy

Here are my two top annoying questions during pregnancy:

1. How much weight have you gained?
I'm sure most people are not being mean when they ask this question. But is this a question that you would ask a woman were she not pregnant? When people ask me this question, I feel like they're asking me "How fat have you gotten?"

2. Have you had any weird cravings?
This is the most common question I am asked. I feel like people think I'm gonna eat something really weird and if I don't have a weird craving, then I'm weird.

Annoying Things About Pregnancy
1. Nobody tells you how bad it's gonna be. They all tell you it's gonna be wonderful. ALL LIES. The honest ones will tell you that it sucks. You get sick, you get fat and your whole body changes. (Note: but the end result is amazing, obviously)

2. You will NEVER EVER look like a celebrity pregnant. Celebrities are like some kind of freakazoids that only gain weight in their belly during pregnancy.

3. You're either too big or too small for pregnancy. People will wonder if you're eating too much or not enough. EVERYONE has an opinion.

4. Pregnancy boobs are SO not sexy.

5. Having the baby kick in the beginning is real cool. After a while it gets annoying. Sometimes I feel like asking the baby, "What do you want?"

6. Sometimes you get so hungry you have to eat, but there's not enough room in your belly to fit all that food.

7. Nausea sucks.

8. Not being able to eat sushi or drink wine sucks.

9. Having to worry constantly about what you eat is not fun.

10. Worrying about the H1N1 virus while pregnant is SCARY.

Conclusion: Despite how annoying some aspects of pregnancy are, I am glad to be pregnant. Having suffered a miscarriage already, I am glad to be caring a healthy baby boy and can't wait to meet the little one. But I wish someone would've informed me about all the "annoying" things about pregnancy. At least I would've been prepared. But I guess no one wants to be that person. Well my ladies, I am that person for you! :)

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